At the practice we hold minor surgery clinics. These appointments are offered to patients who have been assessed by a health care professional and it is deemed appropriate. These appointments are for, but not exclusive to:
• Removal of skin tags
• Removal of moles
• Removal of cysts
• Removal of warts
The procedure is conducted under local anaesthsia, meaning we numb the area with an injection. This means you would be okay to drive or walk home following the procedure. After care is discussed during the appointment with the assisting nurse.
If you have a request for minor surgery please book an appointment for assessment with the GP or health care professional via our E consult service.
The practice can offer joint/ steroid injections when directed by a clinician and deemed appropriate. These are used to treat swollen and painful joints. If the doctor has suggested you have a steroid injection, please contact the practice Monday – Friday after 10:30AM to book this.